Services | Amatista Estetica Dental
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An attractive Smile can offer lots of opportunities this other veneers options are made with a state of the art technology CAD CAM and innovative materials with useful life span 15 - 20 years High aesthetic implants.


For different reasons, some smiles need to be rebuilt and will allow them to be reborn to look radiant. All-on-4 dental implant technique. These are a complete set of implants designed to replace the entire upper or lower set of teeth. Among a variety of benefits, these implants act as a great alternative, more permanent and offering natural-looking results. Our specialized team will only need to place about 4 implants in your mouth to give you a new smile, which will surely change your life, guaranteeing your well-being, confidence and self-esteem. At your first appointment we will place the implants and a temporary denture, while you go through a 4-month healing process. After this time, the final crowns must be placed again.


For different reasons, some smiles need to be rebuilt and will allow them to be reborn to look radiant. All-on-4 dental implant technique. These are a complete set of implants designed to replace the entire upper or lower set of teeth. Among a variety of benefits, these implants act as a great alternative, more permanent and offering natural-looking results. Our specialized team will only need to place about 4 implants in your mouth to give you a new smile, which will surely change your life, guaranteeing your well-being, confidence and self-esteem. At your first appointment we will place the implants and a temporary denture, while you go through a 4-month healing process. After this time, the final crowns must be placed again.


Procedure where replace dental pieces affected for any issue such as (caries, shave down, fractures or losses).


Is a dental procedure to save a tooth by removing dead or decaying nerve tissue and bacteria from inside a tooth.


Procedure to pull the teeth out.


Replacing removals for missing teeth (temporaries or permanents)